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Data Graphs API (3.2.19)

The Data Graphs API is a REST API that allows you to interact with your data, letting you query, retrieve, filter, facet, and sort Concepts from your Datasets. You can also access individual Datasets and search within them, or federate across all your data.

The API provides the following core capabilities:

  • Authentication
  • Full text search
  • Querying and filtering data
  • Faceting
  • Sorting and paging
  • Creating Concepts

Although you can develop directly against the API, if you are coding in Javascript we recommend using the Data Graphs Javascript Client SDK.

Using the API

The API's Base URL is:

All requests require an API key and those to private Datasets must also include an OAuth 2.0 access token. For more information see Making a Request.

Testing the API

If you have a Developer, Owner, or Administrator role on a given account, you can test each endpoint against your own data in the Support Portal API documentation. Once logged in, just select the relevant application from the account menu in the nav bar.