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Welcome to Data Graphs Support

Everything you need to know about our powerful, simple to use information management tool.

Knowledge Base

A guide to managing your data with Data Graphs

Client SDK

Installation and configuration, plus function definitions


API docs including sample responses and query patterns

Most popular Knowledge Base articles

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What is a Dataset?

A Dataset is a namespace or bucket for collecting or grouping Concepts (entities) together. Once you have designed a domain model, you are able to create Datasets to hold your graph data. Data

About the API

The Data Graphs API is a REST API that allows you to interact with your data, letting you query, retrieve, filter, facet, and sort Concepts from your Datasets. You can also access individual Datasets

Managing users

Data Graphs users can be added to an account, assigned roles and removed from an account. They can also be added to individual projects. Team members must have either the Owner or Administrator role

Team roles

A Data Graphs user is assigned a team role. These roles are: Owner – the person who creates the Data Graphs account is assigned the Owner role, and has super-admin rights to manage the subscription,