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Creating a Domain Model

The Domain Model is a set of classes of things within the scope of your project and the relationships between them. The Domain Model describes the data in your knowledge graph. Creating a Domain Model is the first step in building your graph. You can evolve the model later, so don't worry if it is not complete the first time.

Domain Modelling 

The Domain Model tool allows you to rapidly build an ontology. Start by adding classes to the canvas representing the types of entities in your domain, using the add class button at the bottom right:

You can make subclasses using the round plus icon on the selected class, and dragging it up to the parent class:

You can make relationship between classes using the middle + icon:

Create data properties using the square + icon and set the property’s data type and attributes in the form in the right hand column.

The Add note button allows you to add explanatory notes to your model. These appear on the model canvas but have no effect on the model itself.