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Managing users

Data Graphs users can be added to an account, assigned roles and removed from an account. They can also be added to individual projects. Team members must have either the Owner or Administrator role to perform these tasks.

Managing users at Account level

Click on the user icon in the top right of the app nav bar and select Manage Account from the dropdown menu and Users from the sidebar.

Inviting a user

Click the Invite button and enter the user's email address. Then choose the role they will have in your Data Graphs account. Find out here the permissions associated with each role.

Selecting Owner or Administrator gives them that role across all projects:

Other types of role are assigned to specific projects, and users can be assigned different roles on different projects:

Invitations will expire after 48 hours but can be renewed by clicking Manage Invitation. You can also delete invitations you no longer need.

Updating a user's role

Clicking Manage User allows you to update a user's role(s). It is also possible to remove users with DeveloperEditor, Data Editor and Viewer roles.

Managing users for a project

You can also manage users with DeveloperEditorData Editor and Viewer roles at the project level by selecting Manage Project from the user menu and then Users in the sidebar.