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External Links

Data Graphs’ External Links feature allows you to create a URL pattern based on a given Class. This can be useful if a Concept created from the Class represents information used on a webpage. For example a Person class might correspond to a page about an actor or a musician, where the id of the concept is used to fetch the data.

Creating an External Link

To create an External Link, navigate to the corresponding page in the Manage Project section. Select the name of the Class you want to base your links on and then define the pattern.

The pattern must include the name of a property (in curly brackets) whose value will appear in each link. In this example it is the property id , eg:

Using an External Link

For every Concept you create or have created from that Class, Data Graphs will then generate a URL based on the pattern, which will be available as a link on the right hand side of each Concept: